I had a complete and total melt-down today. It's the last 2 days - why would I be in such a sad emotional state, you ask? I am leaving my current public school to go teach at a charter school. I love my current school, love the staff, the parents, etc. It was just the right timing for a professional shift. Even though I know it's right, it's not easy saying goodbye!
In addition to my wild and crazy emotions, I'm trying to finish 5 million 10 projects before Friday. I have been busy working on the ones that are mine since Monday...
I puff-painted my kids names on bags
I made "We need S'MORE volunteers like you" bags for my parent volunteers.
Suzanne from Glue Sticks and Tape
I made my Room Parent's Gift
...and I redesigned my classroom awards (now that I've discovered the magic of Powerpoint!) Here are the awards as a freebie...there's 2 options. One is with a border, the other is without - in case you want to print them on your own bordered paper.
I hope I can make it through the next 2 days with all 10 projects complete and semi-dry eyes! LOL

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