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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Common Core and More

Sorry for the lack of posts lately! With 3 boys and a teacher, sickness comes knocking more often than not. This week, my 6-month old had a stomach bug then 2 days later my son, my dad and myself also came down with the bug but MUCH worse!  This morning has been spent cleaning restrooms and washing sheets throughout the house.  Next, I'm gonna throw open the windows for that fresh breeze to go through. Too bad its chilly outside or they would stay open longer.

On to something educational: Common Core

The last day I was at work this week, we had a common core training as our state is adopting the common core standards next year. Our school district has done a pretty lousy job (in my opinion) of helping their staff clearly understand the standards. Our trainings involve analysing standards on a masters or PhD level.  Its very intense and boring-for lack of a better word!  In speaking with a colleague, we realized that during our series of trainings, we have yet to see the entire standards for any one grade level!  Maybe its just my learning style, but I haven't learned anything significant and I'm sure that's not my district's purpose.

I've heard other states, such as Georgia, phased in the Common Core a subject at a time with support along the way. How has your school/district/state handled Common Core adoption?

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